our treatment approach
Drug addictive disorders are managed by holistic approach at Akal Drug De-Addiction Centres. It is a blend of traditional treatment and spiritual component. Religious practices, prayers and meditation which impact our thoughts and judgement supplement the treatment of drug addicts.
The patients are treated with love, compassion, care and respect in the OPD and IPD facilities of the Centres. Our treatment approach comprises the following phases:

Phases Of Treatment

The main objective of the detoxification program is to manage withdrawal symptoms in as safe and as comfortable manner as possible. Patients with acute withdrawal symptoms like craving, restlessness, agitation, tremulousness of the body, insomnia and anxiety are managed and treated with appropriate medications and counseling. The detoxification is usually achieved in one to two weeks. Detoxification is initiated with specific substitution agents. Detoxification is considered to be the first stage of rehabilitation treatment for drug dependence.

After achieving detoxification, the patient reaches stabilization stage, and is treated effectively by individual, family and group counselling by clinical psychologists. The patients are involved in indoor and outdoor games, book reading in library and other activities of their interest that keep them absorbed and engaged. Since spiritualism has the potential to regulate individual in managing drug addiction, patients are motivated to take part in spiritual pursuits, prayers that supplement their recovery. Alongside the prescribed medicines are continued for treatment.

After continuous abstinence, the patients move to the third stage of maintaining abstinence to avoid a relapse. The patient is advised to continue taking medicines prescribed by the experts in the Akal Drug De-Addiction Centres. They are advised to come for regular follow-ups preferably with their key family members to prevent the possibility of relapse.
The period of maintenance depends on the nature and duration of addiction and the family support. It is ensured that the patient is kept occupied and provided with regular counselling.

The rehabilitation or relapse prevention phase of treatment is oriented to the needs of persons who have no formal withdrawal symptoms. Relapse prevention or rehabilitation programmes are designed to change the behavior of patients to enable them to regain control of their urge to use substances. Psychosocial, spiritual and pharmacological interventions are involved in this phase of treatment.
In our experience, amalgamation of modern medical treatment with spirituality in the management of drug and alcohol addiction has yielded encouraging results.